Category of Membership No. of Books Loan Period(in days)# No. of Renewals allowed *
B.Tech 4 14 3
PhD | MS | M.Tech | M.Sc | MPP 5 30 3
Staff Other than Group A 5 30 3
Faculty & Group A Staff 10 180 3
Note: *Users can renew the books borrowed by them if the same books are not reserved by anyone else.

Note: #For borrowing (issuing) books for semester breaks, you have to contact the circulation staff. The approval for the book issuing for a longer period is based on the availability of additional copies of the same book.

Borrowing Rules:

  • The users should bring their Institute ID for Book Issue.
  • The Users should check the books thoroughly for missing pages, damages … etc. while getting them issued.
  • No book in damaged condition will be accepted from the users on return. Damaged books will have to be replaced by the borrower.
  • The users should make sure that s/he is receiving mail regarding issue/return/overdue fine ... etc. from library. Otherwise please contact the library to rectify the issue.
  • For borrowing books over Summer/Winter break, students need to fill the form available for this purpose, and submit to Library so that the loan period may be manually set to avoid generating overdue fine.
  • Reservation of books: Users can place hold on a book which may be already issued out to another user. Once the book is returned to library, the user who placed hold will get mail from library alerting to the availability of the book. Then, within two days they have to issue the book.

Issue/Return Timing: ##

Monday to Friday 09.00 am to 10.30 pm
Saturday & semester breaks 09.00 am to 07.00 pm
Sunday & Holidays 10.30 am to 05.00 pm
##Book Issue/Return will be closed 15 minutes before the library closing.

Overdue Fine:

Category of Membership Fine Amount
All Categories Rs. 02.00/Day per item
Important: Books issue facility will be suspended if fine exceeds Rs. 50.00.

Cost of Recovery of Lost book:

  • If the borrower loses a library book, then s/he has to inform the library about the lost book through the ERP>LIBRARY> LOST BOOK REPORTING. The library software will generate fine until we update the status to loss. The fine once generated by the library software can’t be waved off.
  • The lost book should be replaced by a new book (same edition or latest edition) with a processing charges of Rs. 50.00 per each book and with overdue charges, if any. [If the lost book is a Hardbound/Foreign edition the replacement also should be Hardbound/Foreign edition]
  • Acquiring: a. User buys replacement copy within 30 days of reporting loss. OR b. User gives consent for library acquiring replacement copy on user’s behalf. Invoice will be billed in user’s name and should be paid within two weeks.
  • In case the book is out of print or not available in the market then the double of the cost mentioned in the accession register should be charged with processing charges of Rs. 50.00 for each book with overdue charges, if any.
  • The cost of the books in foreign currency to be charged at the current conversion of the currency.